Foodie Friday : Rainbow Edition! :)
Okay so maybe it's not a double rainbow but it's pretty I made a rainbow cake. I've had this cake in the back of my mind for sometime and have been waiting for a special occasion to make it! I'm super excited to share it with you. I made it for my cousin Lucy's birthday because she reminds me of the rainbow since she's an artist (and a really awesometastic one at that!) yeah I made that word up...I'm cool like that ;).
She loved her cake and we even watched the double rainbow guy on YouTube...if you haven't seen it you should.Watch It Here it's It was a good night. I even dreamed I was riding a flying pony that was jumping from one rainbow to another in a rainbow filled yeah it's true. I really did dream that..too much rainbow action for one I love cake..Cake could save the world..okay maybe not really but I like to think so :)
Lol quite cute my friend :)