Friday, December 17, 2010


I thought this painting was absolutely beautiful.
It's by a lovely artist named Helen Brooke.
Check out her beautiful work HERE
"Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope." - Ephesians 3:20

Ephesians 3:20 is one of my favorite passages of the bible. I find that the more I read the word of God the more He surprises me. The Lord is the ultimate romantic, and writer…there’s just something about His choice of words. The fact that He took that time to write us this love letter mesmerizes me. Who am I? Who are we?...Such fickle people, individuals, humans, sinners…That the King of the universe….think about that…THE UNIVERESE…took the time and effort to write a whole book detailing how and why He loves us and why we’re worth it in His eyes.

It breaks my heart to think about how many people don’t know God and even worse..choose to walk away from Him. I sometimes wonder about the latter. Did they ever really know Him?

I think that if one would just give God the chance a real chance I think he would blow peoples minds…(More than “we could ever dare to ask or Hope” Eph 3:20 )
I think a lot of people are on the band wagon of “I’ll believe in God when He reveals himself to me”(..or something along those lines.)

Unfortunately that’s not always how it works…yes God does and can “show” Himself to you but we must acknowledge Him first.

He comes knocking on your door and you must open the door to Him.

Think about it in the natural…One must first hear a knock and recognize that someone is at the door.
Then believe that they are there and it’s not our imagination and then act upon opening it.

Our Super natural relationship with God begins that same way.
We must recognize when He is knocking on the door of our heart.
We must then make a conscious decision to open it to Him
And once we do that we will see Him in all His glory and He will astound us.

(now of course this is all hypothetically speaking because no one has literaly seen God but it is an example in the natural that the Lord give us so that we can understand the supernatural.)

We will not “see” God or anyone for that matter if we do not at least open the door.

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