Wednesday, October 19, 2011

His Banner over you was and always has

This song has been rocking my world lately... love love love it. It reminds me of a quote I read a while back. I'm not sure who said it but it says...

"Trust Steadily, Hope Unswervingly, Love Extravagantly..."
May we all be so bold as to love like Jesus did.

"He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love"  - Song of Solomon 2:4

Friday, July 22, 2011

One Conference: Unite, Ignite, Impact

I am seriously exited for this conference. I can hardly wait!
It is going to be EPIC!!
If you haven't heard of it yet...weeelll...let. me. tell. you.
Watch the video...

OneConference 2012 | Teaser from oneconference on Vimeo.

(The music alone makes we want to dance...ha ha!)
 You can sign up by clicking the link (picture) on the side bar :)
and get ready for lots of awesomeness

Three days...fourteen speakers, and the worship music is going to be rocking...
all under one roof...can't beat that with a stick!
You don't want to miss this. 


***EDIT: The worship bands still had not been announced when this was originally posted...but that the big secret is out I can share it with Y'all!!! I am so exited to announce....drumroll please...

The one and only...Hillsong United....AHHHH...It's going to be epic!

God is going to rock your world on
February 10-12 2012

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Raspberry Bar Goodness

Happy Wednesday !!
Here's a recipe I thought ya'll might like.
I made made these babies a few weeks back, with a friend for a friends birthday...
They were SOO good!! ...Like for reals...
Check the recipe out HERE from SheCooks By LeAnn Rice
I adapted it a little by adding almonds instead of the pecans. 
I had almonds on hand so I just used them.
Hope you give it try...They are amazazazazing!! :D


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I could listen to this song on repeat forever...I absolutely love it. It's so simple yet, profound. It's quite magical.  It reminds me of my greatgrandfather and his love of singing. As a little girl I used to love going to his house and would often see him singing to my greatgrandma when was feeling romantic...which was probably all the time. It  was too cute.  When he wasn't seranading my grandma we would sit by his radio, enjoy his peaceful...good times. :) Hope you enjoy Nat as much as I do.  He's a real gem.

Smile though you heart is breaking,

Smile even though its aching,

when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by.. .

if you smile through your frear and sorrow

smile and maybe tommarrow you'll see the sun come shining through for you..

light up your face with gladness

hide every trace of sadness

although a tear may be ever so near

that the time you must keep on trying

smile, what's the use of crying?

you'll find that life is still worthwhle if you just smile...

Thats the time you must keep on trying

smile, what the use of crying?

youll find that life is still worth while if you just smile...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

That which is called Love

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - Nature boy by Nat King Cole

This came directly from the pages of my Bible. It was printed on the first page as an introduction to the book of 1 John. I thought it was too nice not to share


We can’t touch it, count it, bottle it, or even see it. But who among us can argue that love isn’t real?

It makes sane people do crazy things; it prompts selfish people to do noble things, what else on earth has that kind of power?

It can hurt like nothing else in the world. And yet, paradoxically, not loving is much more painful.

The most talked-about, sung-about, and thought-about theme in the world- as well as the most misunderstood.

1 John, the most eloquent description of love ever penned.

It’s not everything you think it is. It’s more…much, much, more."

"Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."- 1 John 4:7–8