"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - Nature boy by Nat King Cole
We can’t touch it, count it, bottle it, or even see it. But who among us can argue that love isn’t real?
It makes sane people do crazy things; it prompts selfish people to do noble things, what else on earth has that kind of power?Love.
It can hurt like nothing else in the world. And yet, paradoxically, not loving is much more painful.
The most talked-about, sung-about, and thought-about theme in the world- as well as the most misunderstood.
1 John, the most eloquent description of love ever penned.
It’s not everything you think it is. It’s more…much, much, more."
It’s not everything you think it is. It’s more…much, much, more."
"Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."- 1 John 4:7–8
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