The Lord has really been speaking a lot to me lately and I feel as though I should share but I warn you this might seem random and all over the place...lol.
I'm always kind of scared to do that because...I guess in essence it shows my weakness..(and I really hate to be looked at as weak....not that I feel I should be or am "Super woman"..it's just a thing I have...I'm not entirely sure why)...but I've learned that in my weakness He is strong....
I really understand now that now..In my weakness God's strength is made strong...wow. It shows us how much greater and grander the Lord. Once again the Lord showed me that for those who love Him...everything stems from Him and for his Glory....Think about that...everything. The good and the "bad". Nothing comes to pass in this life with out it passing by God first. If it happens...good or bad...It's because He allowed it to. To help us grow in our walk with Him, to draw us nearer...but most importantly of all it's for Him to be glorified.(Romans 8:28) But anyways..getting back to what I was saying...
I've been feeling lately like there is no time for anything. In this race we call life (especially this day in age) it seems as though there are not enough hours in the day to do all that is needed, wanted, or expected of us. Many times I've gone to bed feeling overstimulated and exhausted by life in general. I would wait until the end of the day to "spend time" with God because that's the time I had "made". But in analyzing it now; I wasn't really making that time with God. I was actually giving him what was left of my day not what was right. Many times I would fall asleep and wake up the following day feeling like I had cheated the Lord in someway because I couldn't even stay awake for ten minutes reading his word at night. My day would be filled with getting "urgent" and/or "important" things done but never really feeling like I was accomplishing anything. There was never enough time. Always rushing, Always racing. After a while I started to realize my neglect of spending quality time with God was effecting my state of mind. In essence I was starting to starve spiritually and I was was dying inside.
In my realization of this I wanted to feel some relief from the craziness of life. I realized I must decide what is truly essential in life and what is not. I always use to use the excuse that "If I didn't have to work...I would "find" the time"...ha! Lies!! I know this because on days that I would stay home I would still fill my day with other "important" things like laundry or cleaning or whatever else needed to get done in the house. This happened repeatedly. So who was I fooling ? No one but me. Yes, they were necessary things or chores (in it of themselves)but were they imperative or urgent? Certainly not. Our time In prayer, reading his word, fellowship, etc with God..above all else is important. It's literary your water for life...your bread..your manna from God. It will sustain you all the days of your life.
(Mathew 6:11) It shows our need of God's sustenance is daily as is also our need of prayer for God's supply.
So, here's what I learned...
Things that we see as urgent are not necessarily important. Things that are important are not always urgent.
(Psalm 68:19) God is committed to our care, deliverance and direction (1 Peter 5:6-7) He is our burden bearer, but our need is to learn to take our burdens to the Lord daily.
Ask the Lord to prioritize your day. Let Him lead you in all you do and you will start to see what "time stealer's/wasters" you've been paying way too much attention to and seemed "urgent" but in actuality weren't. Remember that the enemy's entire game is to distract us as believers.
(Proverbs 8:34) In humble submission to His sovereign purpose; blessing is promised to those who listen but the listening that leads to blessing is a daily matter of waiting on the Lord as our master and Provider.
God Bless!! :)
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