So now that you guys know where I've been the last few months...I thought I'd explain to you what started my sabbattical that I turned into the "extended version".
The Lord recently called me to consecrate several fasts. My fasting journey lasted two weeks long. I first felt the Lord call me to do a “Seven day Media fast” (television, internet…etc). This fast started on Tuesday January 25, which happened to be the same night as my church’s small group meeting. The Lord spoke to us as we prayed. He placed in my small group leader’s heart that we should fast for each others needs. We agreed as a group to fast the following Tuesday –February first. Not only was God asking to set myself apart in a personal media fast but also with my small group. As I was drove home that night, I felt the Lord was definitely calling me go deeper with Him. I obediently accepted His request. About two days before I was to start my small group fast, I received a phone call from my bother who advised me that the Lord had placed in his heart that we should fast as a family. Even though I was in the middle of my personal media fast and was about to start my small group fast in two days, I knew the Lord required me to continue on this period of praying and fasting with my family. I accepted what the Lord was asking of me and advised my brother I would join him in this time of fasting which would start on February second-which happened to be the day after I finished my small group fast. The night before I started my family fast, I received a phone call from my brother advising me that the Lord had placed in his heart that I should lead our family in morning devotionals! I couldn’t help but laugh as there is no coincidence with God. Here was the beginning of the manifestation of God’s calling for me. Although I felt unqualified; I accepted the challenge as I felt the Lord say, “Am I not enough? Is My grace not enough?” I could not formulate a concrete reason not to, but I did have a myriad of reasons to lead the devotionals. The following day we started on our journey of fasting and praying and the rest is history.
I'll be sharing my devotionals with you lovelies over the next couple of days; but for now I say "adieu, adieu. to you and you and you"...ha ha. Can you guess what movie that's from?...God bless :)
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