Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Devo Day SIX

February 7, 2011
On this morning devo I wanna us to meditate on this word:Grace. "If there is one word in the bible that we cannot afford to miss it is that word that we call grace!"-Carl Lentz  Grace is favor,blessing,everything we don't deserve. I had the pleasure of hearing a preaching by Carl lentz last night and was deeply moved by his word. I wanna share with you all some of what he said.(Ephesians 2:8&9) "if you truly understand the unmerited grace of God you would walk differently,talk differently, worship differently..." when we understand the magnitude of what God did on the cross we change from the inside out. It reminds me a lot of Psalm 51...David understood how filthy he was and how pure God was and how the closer he got to God the more he prayed psalm 51 not because it would make him holier but because he saw how much more he needed grace. He understood that we are saved first by the grace of God through our faith..not our works. We do works not to be saved but because we are saved..we do it out of the love and grace that was bestowed upon us. (Ephesians 2:10). And if there's one thing the devil doesn't want you to know is that "the grace of God will ALWAYS overshadow your weakness. So we have no more excuses" God qualifies the called...not the other way around. In our weakness He is made perfect (2corinthians12:8-10) think about that...God's glory shines brightest when a "ordinary,  normal" person is used by Him. Don't believe the lie the enemy is trying to feed you that you are not good enough to fufill the calling of God in your life. With God's grace we are more than get caught up in the grace of God and it will take you further than what you ever imagined. Be blessed y'all! Let's do this! Xoxo

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