Hi guys! As promised I am finally writing about the story behind my blog's name....lol. Sorry it's taken so long. :) So here goes...I'm going to give you a little background as to why I started my blog to give you a better understanding of the name. This may be a little long, so bare with me. :D
The Lord for a long time had been putting in my heart that I should start a blog. I'm not gonna lie; the thought of starting a blog and putting my thoughts out there for all to see (and even comment!)..was very scary for me! I put it off for a loooong time. I always figured That I might one day write a book (wink wink).

It's a big dream of mine to write one...so who knows...If God wills it; someday I will. But, anyways...I knew that the Lord had walked me through certain experiences in my life for a reason. The reason as to why, I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is that it drew me nearer to Him. But even with that said whether my personal experiences would help someone else or not I wasn't really sure of. I had always wondered...how could I use my pain to glorify God. How could I help someone, somehow? Even if it was just to make them smile or offer encouragement somehow...even in it's smallest increment. I knew that the Lord wanted me to give out the comfort that had comforted me. So after putting it off, I came to the realization that blogging would be perfect for that in many different ways. It would give me access to the entire world through the Internet, and would be a good way to keep record of my walk with the Lord.Win win right? Well, except for the tiny fact that you're putting yourself out there for all to see and be able to criticize you...lol. But even with that...the thought that I was in some small way contributing to someones life as the Lord had asked me to was great. So, with that I pressed on as I knew I should share my my little story and maybe somehow help someone along the way. So this is not me saying how to live your life. This me showing you how the Lord has helped me and maybe along the way I could help some one else. So, to be that vessel...or stepping stone that the Lord uses to bless someone else...wow, what an honor.
With that said, you should know that I love "little" stories. The stories that we might forget if we don't write them down because even if they are not that crazy or unbelievable. I believe they are. God allowed them to occur for a purpose and that is good enough for me. It's the little things that move me most. :) Now don't get me wrong...yes, I do believe the big stories are good too. similar to the ones you hear about a mother who's son is saved after X number of years she had faithfully been praying for his salvation.. I'm not trying to down play them. Not at all. I believe those testimonies are awesome and essential and every other positive adjective you can think of but like I said I relish in the little things. In the unseen beauty. In the not so obvious. The little gems or stones that Lord sets in our path to grow and learn from. The little things that the Lord gives us along the way in our walk with Him to remind us that He is there. He's there through the storm, through the valley, and though the desert-He's there through it all. The big and the little. That's why God Given Cupcake was born.
Part two coming soon :)
LOL I KNEW you would do something like this ....I HATE cliffhangers !!! LOL! now you REALLY have eveybody on the edge of their seats !!!!