Picking up where we last left off...Here's part two coming at ya! ;) Read part one

Sooo, when I had finally decided to give blogging a go. I was kind of stumped as to what to name it. I knew that I wanted to name it something that kind of explained what the Lord had placed in my heart to write about and a little about my love for cooking. I had wondered for a long time what name could I possibly give a blog that 1. I liked, 2. was easy to remember and 3.had to do with God
and cooking. I had prayed about it for a few weeks and then when God revealed it to me it was like if the sky had opened up and shined a light on me....lol. I remember I had received a catalog in the mail from the Family Christian book store and was flipping through it as I normally do. It was an ordinary day when all all of a sudden as I'm going through the pages of their catalog I see a little notebook with a cupcake on it that has the verse Psalms 34:8 "Taste and see the Lord is GOOD". <<<---See the pic :) At that moment...I felt the Lord say to me "Remember the 'God Given Cupcake Story?...well I want you to name your blog that"...wow! I literally yelled that out! I knew at that moment...right then and there it was a God Given name literally!...lol ;) Anyways...now, as I sit here and type this I honestly don't remember what the other contenders were...lol... It was as if the Lord erased them from my mind...Now I know that doesn't seem to crazy or extraordinary but seriously...to understand why the story behind my blog is special to me you must also know that at the time my ''God Given Cupcake'' story took place I was in a very dark time in my life. It was a very trying time for me. The story in itself is not very complicated and some might even find it.."not that big of a deal" but I have always believed that the AWESOME God that I serve does things that are not always the ''norm'' or expected. I LOVE that the God that I serve gives what I like to call "little" personalized reminders of how much He loves us.... :)
So to answer what exactly is a ''God Given Cupcake". The short answer to all of y'alls question is:....It's exactly what it says it is. A cupcake given by God.
Now I know that sounds crazy but I am a firm believer that God can and will use anything and anyone to He pleases to remind us of His love for us..and yes in my personal experience He will even use a cupcake....It's the little things. :)
Part three's in the oven...and almost ready! Ya'll comeback now ya hear! ;D
Amazing, the name WAS "God Given"! i like this testimony a lot.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up Yesi!
Thanks Kenny!